Message from President of ILIDA

International Law Investment and Development Association is a non-governmental organization established for the purpose of increasing the investments to Turkey as well as increase investment opportunities of Turkish investors abroad. The International Law Investment and Development Association aims enhancement of the rule of law and international legal standards in particular in terms of foreign direct investments as well as general terms. International Law Investment and Development Association operates in the fields of development of Turkish law, making the institutions and rules suitable with the international standards of rule of law, resolving the social problems with rational solutions and realizing projects directed to the development of Turkey in the context of general social benefit, being women and children’s rights, education, public health, urbanization and environmental rights in the first place. In international law, investment and development issues. ILIDA BUSINESS & LAW organizes scientific, artistic and cultural activities in order to ensure necessary public awareness about these subjects hold seminars, training workshops, networking meetings, visits, cooperation meetings and various organizations among legal professions, corporations, institutions, organizations, professional organizations, domestic and foreign bodies and diplomatic missions.